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Why Customisable ATC Software Is Essential For Your Airport

by | Mar 20, 2024 | ATC Systems

Customisable air traffic controller software allows airports to configure their solution to match their unique challenges, processes, and objectives, leading to greater precision and accuracy, and a shorter learning curve for ATC teams. Customisation in a software platform is certainly a nice feature, but is it essential? In terms of ATC software, yes, it is. In this article, we look at the reasons why customisation is a central feature of air traffic control system software and how it can help your airport adapt to the changing needs of the modern aviation sector.

Personalised Software Experience

Tools are only as good as the craftsperson using them, and that is as true of software as it is a physical tool. A customised ATC software platform empowers your users to personalise their experience, making the software more ‘ergonomic’ or intuitive to their individual workflows and preferences. This is good on multiple levels. First, because it leads to higher satisfaction and productivity. Secondly because it reduces errors, and thirdly because it empowers air traffic controllers to use the platform more seamlessly, which means they can make better and quicker decisions under pressure.

Adaptable To Changing Needs

The needs of airports change over time, and often quite quickly. In 2023, UK-based airlines carried 129.42 million passengers, which in terms of volume was lower than 2013 (135.5 million), and lower still than before the pandemic (2019 – 153.7 million). However, the rate of growth in passenger volume since 2021 outstrips the annual growth rate between 2013 and 2019, meaning the airports should be prepared for a huge uptick in demand for commercial aviation over the coming years. What has this got to do with software? It underscores the importance of a customisable ATC platform that is capable of rapidly scaling with demand, and which also integrates with your other software and hardware platforms to deliver safe and seamless outcomes.


This brings us nicely to the question of interoperability, which isn’t always a strong point at every airport. A wide variety of legacy systems and technologies can make ATC operations difficult to coordinate using an ‘off the shelf’ system. Customised ATC software, on the other hand, can be configured to work perfectly with the assets and infrastructure at your airport, including your radars for surface movement and surveillance, navigation systems, and comms, giving you a made-to-measure solution without any points of friction or weakness.

Future Proofing

It’s sensible to expect changes in ATC technology over the coming decade, and potentially radical ones. As technology advances, a customisable ATC platform can adapt and incorporate these new technologies, delivering a better ROI and postponing obsolescence. Recent examples of these integrations include high-definition cameras, automatic surveillance broadcasting, and remote sensing.

Find Out More

Contact Copperchase today to speak with one of our advisers about our market leading air traffic controller software, or click here to find out more about what we do.

Image Source: Canva

Why Customisable ATC Software Is Essential For Your Airport

by | Mar 20, 2024 | ATC Systems | 0 comments